Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Create a Swimlane from a Resource or Organization - DEPRECATED

Create a Swimlane from a Resource or Organization - DEPRECATED

The Insert Swimlane from Resource Model command adds a resource from the Define Resources dialog box as a swimlane in the diagram.

When you create a swimlane from a resource, the resource is automatically created and allocated to the swimlane as the default resource for it. This creates an organization in the resource model of the same name as the swimlane. The initial name is set to the name of the resource, but you can rename the swimlane without renaming the resource, and vice-versa.

To see what resources are used, or available for use, as a swimlane in the document, click the model_resources00009.bmp tool. The Define Resources dialog box appears. Resource objects that are represented by a swimlane in the diagram appear in the resources list on the left with an local00010.bmp icon.

  1. In the Toolbox toolbar, click the Swimlanes departments_tool_A.bmp toolbar button and choose Insert Swimlane From Resource Model.

  2. In the Choose Resource dialog box, expand Resource List or Organizations and select one or more objects, then click OK.

A new organization (which can have resource type/resource hierarchy retained in the diagram) now appears on the Organizations tab.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Swimlanes and Resources